Urban Light Culture

From 22 to 30 November 2019, the „Festival for Urban Light Culture“ explores the topic of light from various perspectives of night culture. It took place as part of the „Stadt Nach Acht“ conference of the Clubcommission Berlin (28 to 30 November 2019), the largest „nightlife conference“ in Europe.

The festival pursues a conceptual approach that enables experimental and artistic formats. Different ways of looking at and approaching the material of light in the context of urban space and urban society, as well as pop culture and technology, can be experienced.

Club lighting has so far received little attention in education for lighting technicians or event technicians. Yet the club as a „location“ offers a space for experimentation for lighting designers, lighting artists and architects alike. Due to its diverse and open utilisation, trends are created in this area – and not just for the event sector. The latest lighting technologies and digital control systems are used here and can be playfully tested.

The „Gather Around Light“ initiative stands for interdisciplinary exchange around light and is participating as a partner in the „Festival for Urban Light Culture“. Works by participants of the network, which were created in the „Experiencing Light“ workshop, complement the positions of international light artists.

With an exhibition, interactive formats and urban interventions, workshops and performances, a transdisciplinary examination of light as a material took place, including sensor technology, digital control technology and augmented or mixed reality. In addition, current approaches to audiovisual art and the interaction of light and music in space was renegotiated and realised.


1 Nocturno

A place in the heart of the city where we can stroll surrounded by beautiful glowing plants.  Artist: Carolina Levy

2 Dear Stranger

From the assumption that loneliness is a phenomenon of the digitalized world, the approach of visually supporting interpersonal contact emerged. Artists: Sophia Trautmann Arthur Hüsken

3 50er Spin

„Once you were darkness; Live as children of light. If you also lieest down, and if you also sit in darkness, open yourself, become light. Artist: Patrick Tobias Fischer

4 Military City

Our „security thinking“ is increasingly shaping the design of the city at night. Artist: Anke von der Heide, Fanny Perineau

5 Diskretion

The installation „Diskretion“ presents the current situation at the cultural location <-> investor and presents the meaning of the tines and the past considerations to the public. Artist: Martin Gräff

6 Lichtbox – Light as a drug substitute?

Light affects people in a much more complex way than just being able to see. Artist: Anke von der Heide

7 Imaginatura

Through art, we can clean the nature, the streets and the mind, we can open the eyes of human beings about the garbage situation that takes over the planet. Artist: Olivia Micu

8 Reflect-Cognition

dvdv (spell „dada“) connects her complexity into her own synaesthetic and interactive cosmos. Artist: Phyllis Josefine

9 Light as psychedelic tool

Lucia N°03 is a light instrument, which induces a psychedelic experience by using constant and intermitted light. Artist: Dr. Engelbert Winkler, Johanna Kemmerer, Sigrid Pearce

10 Lightscape

The city – the sum of paths, possibilities and moments – the way it guides us from one place to another. Artist: Juan Carlos Mirson and Konstantin Klaas

11 XX-Cube

With its clear, geometric, linear structures it is easy to perceive and reflects the current trend in club lighting or stage design. Artist: Jan Wichert